May 24, 2005


I recently attended "
Empowering Ideas: Adobe® Creative Suite 2 on Tour
" here in Montreal's The Marriott - Chateau Champlain.

Unfortunately I was so busy that I didn't wrote a complete review. Yet I have to say that PhotoShop 11 and in fact the whole CS2 is amazing, specially when you run it on a super fast mac with Tiger. (I really need to save some money and hit the road! of course to Toronto where the first Canadian Apple store has officially been opened.)

It was kinda wiered when adobe people were talking about their own flash technology! and the new integrations to come. Adobe buying Macromedia perhaps was one of those long awaited dreams that came true! At last we will get rid of that Macromedia interface, at last we will have revenge! :)

Posted by Shauheen at May 24, 2005 12:52 AM
